
Error message

Warning: "continue" targeting switch is equivalent to "break". Did you mean to use "continue 2"? in include_once() (line 1389 of /home/nsfbiomu/public_html/drupal/includes/bootstrap.inc).

Mackenzie Caple

Project Coordinator
Mackenzie Caple

Academic Background

Univeristy of Michigan B.S. (Plant Biology/Chinese Studies)


I am coordinating a project through NSF's CSBR (Collections in Support of Biological Research) initiative that will consolidate specimens from some of the University of Michigan's most historically important collections. These collections include specimens from early expeditions, such as the First Geological Survey of Michigan, which began the year Michigan received its statehood, the University's first circumglobal scientific expedition, led by Joseph Beal Steere, and Walter Koelz's prolific expeditions in India and the Himalayas.

These collections are currently split across the various university museums (Zoology, Paleontology, Botany) and libraries (such as the Bentley Historical Library), and many have not been databased or photographed. This project will create and bring together digital records for these historical collections to facilitate further research, as well as increase accessibility for education and outreach through publicly-accessible web portals.
