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  • Ann Arbor Scientific Association. 1876. The Constitution and By-Laws of the Ann Arbor Scientific Association with the Proceedings for the Year Ending May 1, 1876. Ann Arbor: Courier Steam Printing House.
  • Copeland, Carolyn. 1995. “Rup Chand 1902-1994.” Contributions of the University of Michigan Herbarium 20: 1-2.
  • Donnelly, Walter A., ed. 1958. The University of Michigan: an Encyclopedic Survey (Vol. IV, parts VIII-IX). Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
  • Fuller, George N., ed. 1928. Geological Reports of Douglass Houghton. Lansing: The Michigan Historical Commission.
  • Harrington, Mark G. 1877. “The tropical ferns collected by Professor Steere in the years 1870-75.” Journal of the Linnean Society of London, Botany 16(89): 25-37.
  • Hendrickson, Walter B. 1961. “Nineteenth-century State Geological Surveys: early government support of science.” Isis 52(3): 357-371.
  • Hubbell, T. H. 1964. The University of Michigan Beal-Steere Expedition. Web: accessed Oct. 2014.
  • Kesling, Robert V. 1973. “The Rominger biographies—editor’s comments.” Papers on Paleontology 5: 31-34.
  • Kesling, Robert V. 1973. “Carl Ludwig Rominger, M. D.” Papers on Paleontology 5: 35-45.
  • Koelz, Walter N. 1929. “Coregonid fishes of the Great Lakes.” Bulletin of the U. S. Bureau of Fisheries 43(2): 297-643.
  • Koelz, Walter N. 1957. “Persian Diary, I.” The Asa Gray Bulletin, New Series 3(2): 133-176.
  • Koelz, Walter N. 1979. “Notes on the ethnobotany of Lahul, a province of the Punjab.” Quarterly Journal of Crude Drug Research 17(1): 1-56.
  • Martin, Helen M. 1973. “Glimpses into the life of Carl Ludwig Rominger.” Papers on Paleontology 5: 5-30.
  • McFarlane, Ruth B. A. 2001. “The botanical activities and correspondence of Robert Peter, M.D. (1805-1894).” Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium 23: 271-332.
  • McVaugh, Rogers. 1970. “Botanical results of the Michigan Geological Survey under the direction of Douglass Houghton, 1837-1840.” The Michigan Botanist 9: 213-243.
  • Meyer, Frederick G. and Susanne Elsasser. 1973. “The 19th century herbarium of Isaac C. Martindale.” Taxon 22(4): 375-404.
  • Michigan Department of Natural Resources. 2014. “Statewide Assessments: Ecological Overview.” Web: accessed Oct. 2014.,4570,7-153-10370_30909_43606-153372–,00.html
  • Michigan House of Representatives. Documents Accompanying the Journal of the House of Representatives. Annual sess., 1839.
  • Morton, J. K. 1979. “Observations on Houghton’s goldenrod (Solidago houghtonii).” The Michigan Botanist 18(4): 31-43.
  • O’Brien, Mark. 2008. “Odonatological history in Michigan—1875-1996.” The Great Lakes Entomologist 41(1-2): 1-11.
  • Papavero, N, W. L. Overal, D. M. Teixeira, J. Hinshaw. 2008. “The travels of Joseph Beal Steere in Brazil, Peru, and Ecuador.” Arquivos de Zoologia, Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo 39(2): 87-269.
  • Price, Michael G. 1982. “The ferns of Steere and Harrington.” Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium 15: 197-204.
  • Rintala, Edsel K. 1954. Douglass Houghton, Michigan’s Pioneer Geologist. Detroit: Wayne University Press.
  • Rittenhouse, Janice L. and Edward G. Voss. 1962. “Douglass Houghton’s botanical collections in Michigan, Wisconsin, and Minnesota on the Schoolcraft Expedition of 1832.” The Michigan Botanist 1: 61-70.
  • Stewart, Ralph R. 1945. “The grasses of northwest India.” Brittonia 5(4): 404-468.
  • Stuckey, Ronald L. 1966. “The botanical pursuits of John Samples, pioneer Ohio plant collector (1936-1840).” The Ohio Journal of Science 66(1): 1-41.
  • Stuckey, Ronald L. 1978. “David Bates Douglass’ plants from the Cass Expedition in the Schweinitz Herbarium.” The Michigan Botanist 17: 25-31.
  • Trow, Elizabeth S. 1957. “Dr. Walter N. Koelz and Thakur Rup Chand, collaborators in Asiatic research, Botanical Gardens and Museum of Zoology, University of Michigan.” The Asa Gray Bulletin, New Series 3(2): 281-283.
  • Voss, Edward G. 1978. “Botanical beachcombers and explorers: pioneers of the 19th century in the upper Great Lakes.” Contributions from the University of Michigan Herbarium 13: 1-100.
  • Wood, Norman A. 1941. “Dr. Abram Sager.” The Jack-Pine Warbler 19(1): 18.
  • Wright, Jean D. 1973. “That remarkable man, Carl Ludwig Rominger, State Geologist.” Papers of Paleontology 4: 3-148.